Portuguese Immersion Nursery Program

Part-time or Full-Time

Our Nursery Program was launched in 2015 for infants and babies between ages 1 and 2. The program was created in response to the needs of current parents and families in the community who wanted to provide their young children early exposure to the Portuguese language in a social and nurturing environment.

There are many benefits to introducing your child to the Montessori way of learning from as early an age as 1 years old. Babies have an absorbent mind that is primed for learning, allowing the social, emotional, and interpersonal principles we offer to take root and carry them through development. During work cycle, the strategic display of materials in the environment invite scholars to work independently and discover their potential.

Our program incorporates the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori at the most instinctual level for ages 1 and 2. Blending the Portuguese language with a variety of activities such as arts, music, storytelling, cooking, sensorial explorations, and more, we set the building blocks for the communication, exploration, and self-discovery skills that help construct a child’s personality and ignite their critical thinking skills. 

How our Montessori Nursery Program can give your child a leg up in development:


Dr. Maria Montessori has taught us that a child’s development is most critical at the earliest stages of life. With this concept in mind, GIRAFAS’ Nursery Program is grounded in an environment that is respectful towards the child, using rich language to jumpstart the child’s speech in Portuguese, which then serves as groundwork for the English-language skills they will learn in other settings. This allows babies to identify objects and communicate through movement (pointing, gesturing, etc). At such a young age, babies may not yet be able to speak, but observation proves that comprehension is in full swing. Our mission at the GIRAFAS Nursery Program is to enrich your child’s comprehension and language skills and prepare them for a bilingual or multilingual upbringing.



Using the Montessori model of education, the GIRAFAS Nursery Program lays the foundation for your baby’s social skills through group play with other children, lead by trained instructors. Nursery students use newfound communication skills and develop additional techniques through our arsenal of teaching tools to connect and effectively communicate with peers and adults. New elements are added throughout the program to further your child’s social skills and prepare them for the next phase of their education.



From the moment they are born, babies are actively searching for ways to relate to their environment and themselves, discovering and creating their identities as they grow and learn. GIRAFAS’ Nursery Program strategically sets up a safe space for infants and babies to explore the way the world responds to them, giving them the freedom to adjust their behavior accordingly. Independent play allows the child to identify how objects work and respond to their touch, activating problem-solving and creative thinking skills, all while discovering their potential.

As always, our program is enriched by a balance of indoor and outdoor activities, and further enhanced by our small classes of 4:1 or 6:1 student to teacher ratio, based on the ages of the enrolled nursery students.

Program Options:

Half-Day: 9 am to 1 pm - OR - 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Full-Day: 9 am to 3 pm
Extended-Day: 8 am - 5:30 pm


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